Kurwig Consulting

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Pleasant Hill, California, United States

I believe having all your papers filed, your books up-to-date and your office efficiently organized is the essential basis for your long-term success.
It creates valuable time and space for you to focus on your business.
Let me help you with that.
I work with local business, sustainable business, social, life-affirming and otherwise conscious entrepreneurs who struggle with their administration and bookkeeping.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Are You a Thought Leader?

by Laura Garnett
Silhouette head - Strategy
Ask.com says that a thought leader is an individual or firm that is recognized as an authority in a specialized field and whose expertise is sought and often rewarded. In a world where information is often it’s own currency, thought leaders are seen as a resource because in order to earn that status, they have made a career of focusing on their primary expertise. Being a thought leader has cachet and, according to Malcolm Gladwell, if you spend 10,000 hours focused on one thing, then you’ll end up being an expert at it.
Being a thought leader also takes focus, and in today’s world, that is often a challenge. Business owners are looking for the next big thing, rather than owning their one thing. However, when you do, you have the potential to lead and help shift the thinking of others. Many of us would strive for this, but, how do you know if you are actually leading others in the way they think and behave?
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Secrets of a Second-Career Intern

by Cary Barbor, Sep. 3

When I left my last magazine job in 2008, it seemed there were exactly zero print publications left worthy to work for. I had devoted 20 years of my career to the magazine industry, but it was no secret that the field was going down the tubes.
Also, If had to edit one more piece on why blueberries are a superfood, there was a good chance I would slide under the desk into a fetal position and never come out. I was burned out and my well of work ideas had run bone dry.
So when a friend told me about the jumpstart she got from her career coach, I went to see him. One of the first exercises he gave me was simply to muse about my job:
Turn off the censor in my head, and make a list of the places I would love to work.
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Working with Ambiguity at Work



Leading during uncertain business conditions” and “tolerating ambiguity” are explicitly-sought skills in Silicon Valley position descriptions.
These competencies are crucial to navigate frequent, sometimes surprising restructurings and layoffs.
In contrast, employees outside the U.S. enjoy greater job certainty and worker protection in some countries, as outlined in Ruhr-Universität Bochum researcher Rolf Wank’s survey of typical German employment relationships .
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Both creative artists and business leaders recognize the crucial importance of working with and through ambiguous conditions to produce breakthrough solutions.
°         What approaches help you tolerate ambiguity?
°         How can ambiguity tolerance be increased?

#MenWhoGetIt Spotlight: Jayakanthan M

by Catalyst
September 23, 2013 — Welcome to the first in our series of “Men Who Get It” profiles, designed to showcase male executives and experts who act as Catalysts for change by advancing women in the workplace. This week, the spotlight is on Jayakanthan M, Head of Talent & Development and Diversity & Inclusion, Global Operations Centers, Thomson Reuters. Jay is an India-based expert on inclusive leadership.
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Thursday, July 4, 2013

Nelson Mandela Was Never In Prison: "I never let them do it."

Nelson Mandela Was Never In Prison: "I never let them do it."

June 28, 2013, 2:38 AM
Nelson Mandela was never in prison. Or so he told Peter Guber and a group of American businessmen. "If I allowed that jailer to imprison my dreams and aspirations, I never would have made it the whole time in prison." And so, Mandela was defiant: "I never let them do it," he said.
As Guber reflects in the video below, "I saw a man who had literally been brutalized by being imprisoned for 29 years, who saw his life, not as a prison, but as an opportunity to deliver for his country and his people an opportunity by telling that story and empowering others to believe that if they can free...it would be worth every moment he spent in jail..."
Watch here:

Nelson Mandela Was Never In Prison: "I never let them do it."

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Be Relevant, Be Memorable and Be Noticed with a Marketing Message

Marketing Message Be Relevant, Be Memorable and Be Noticed with a Marketing Message 
There are many times where you have the chance to share information about yourself and your job search, and you don’t want to miss an opportunity because you’re not prepared. Whether it’s at networking events, on social media, when you interact with your family and friends or any chance encounters you may have, a powerful marketing message can distinguish you from other job seekers and create a memorable impression with those you meet.
You’re contending with everyone else for attention, and you want anyone you meet, either in person or online, to remember who you are, what you do, what kinds of companies you can help and how you solve problems.
You are the product. You help companies solve a problem; now you have to deliver a message that describes your strengths in a memorable way. You want to motivate others to learn more about you and to know when to refer you or identify potential job openings that would be relevant for you.

So, what do you say when…

Friday, June 21, 2013

Elements to support your Prosperity

This is a great newsletter of a professional and successful Feng Shui consultant. Sign up to receive updates and valuable information for your life and business.
Marina Lighthouse and Feng Shui Shopper presents
Monthly Treasures
June 2013
Feng Shui Newsletter
“And we all shine on, like the moon, and the stars and the sun.” ~ John Lennon
Fire element spreads enthusiasm
"Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth." ~ Buddha
With the sun high in the sky filling our world with radiant energy, the Fire element is increasing. In the Five Element Theory, the Fire element is seen to bring us excitement, inspiration and enthusiasm. Without it we can feel unmotivated or disengaged. Our world becomes too predictable and everything feels dull and perhaps even lifeless. Fires blazing power helps us to gather our energy so that we can accomplish tasks and get through difficult situations without feeling intimidated or hesitant. We need to reignite our passion for life to keep on progressing forward.

Evoke Feelings of Passion
"The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled." ~Plutarch
If you've been feeling uninspired, it may be time to liven yourself up by adding more of the fire element to your environment.  Use the color red or the color red’s spectrum of hues. You can also display artworks that evoke feelings of passion. Fire’s elemental shape is the triangle, so triangular objects work well.*
6.13.13_fire bowl and plant.jpg
 The Joy of Life
“O! For a muse of fire, that would ascend the brightest heaven of invention.” ~ William Shakespeare
When your daily activities become tedious and are weighing you down and smothering your creativity, activate your Feng Shui by using the Fire Element. Implementing the aforementioned adjustments with proper intention can quell those discouraging feelings and help you bring back the joy and enthusiasm of life.
 Ignite Your Purpose
"Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face." ~ Victor Hugo
Allow the darkness to give way to light let it ignite your purpose. At times when you are feeling pushed down or left out in the dark, cultivate a new fresh feeling of gusto by increasing fire in your environment. This will bring back your inner sparkle. 

5 Transitions Great Leaders Make That Average Leaders Don't

The secret to leadership is there aren’t any real secrets. The best leaders have simply gone to school on improving their tradecraft. While the capabilities possessed by the best leaders might seem otherworldly to many, they are merely the outcome of hard work, experience, perspective, and yes, a bit of luck. The best leaders have just learned to make certain transitions that less effective leaders curiously remain blind to.
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6 Ways to Market Your Practice Online

A nice short article with a helpful list of tools.

June 7th 2013 by Shayna Chapman

Marketing has surely changed over the last 10 years! Print advertising is not as effective as it used to be and customers are trading in their newspapers for the Internet. Are you making the transition with them? Consider these 6 ways to market your practice online:

1. Website – By now, this is a standard marketing tool and form of communication. If your practice does not have a website, you are behind the curveball. A website immediately shows potential and tells current customers who you are and what you do. After you set up the website, the key is getting these potential customers to find you. Search engine optimization (SEO) services can help. By providing key words in your website, you can help ensure that you will be on the first page, rather than the last page, of search engine result.

2. Social Media – What began as a way to talk with your friends is now a key way for marketing to complete strangers. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram are all social media sites that allow your practice to put information online, for both people you know and people you don’t know. What’s important to note with social media is that each one of these sites are different and each one attracts a different type of user. Know your audience for each, and then post based on that information.

3. Blogging – Perhaps you have a lot to say about a topic that can help other people. By blogging, a potential customer can get some insight into how you think about a topic. After a while, you may be seen as an expert and garner real attention for yourself. Some worry about oversharing knowledge with people who are not your customers. While this is certainly a way to showcase your knowledge, the key lies  in the way you apply the knowledge and make the customer feel about the experience.

4. YouTube Videos – So, a video about accounting may not win your practice an Oscar for Best Film, but there are a lot of individuals that search YouTube for the most simple ideas – form how to turn on their weed eater to understanding financial ratios. Don’t underestimate the gratefulness others will have for what you consider even the simplest thing to understand. Post enough how-to videos and you will become an expert that people will call on.

5. Guest Articles  - Many companies and online newsletters are looking for people to share their knowledge. By including a short, biographical paragraph in the article, you give customers a way to contact you for more information and a possible relationship.

6. Software Websites – Users – namely, prospects – often go to the software company’s website for help and more information on how to operate their software. After a while, though, they may need to develop a relationship with an individual they feel they can count on to call for help more regularly. Many software companies will post a page on their website, showing the location of a practice that can further help these users. The page will include your location and contact information, so that the user can check for practices in their geographical location and then contact them.
All of these are ways to market online. What they have in common, though, is that they all generally circle back to the very first one – your website. That’s your space that is dedicated 100% to telling people about the strengths of your practice. After you have that piece, then use the other five ways to show people your expertise in certain areas, and refer them back to your website for even more information.

    Saturday, June 15, 2013

    Tuesday, June 11, 2013

    How To Put Your S.M.A.R.T. Goals On Overdrive

    By on in Client Motivation, Client Retention, Fitness Sales, Gym Personal Training Sales
    S.M.A.R.T. Goals Refresher
    S.M.A.R.T. Goals are great for getting started, however most lack the emotional components to ensure their completion.  Today we want to equip you with the skills necessary to help your clients not only achieve their goals, but also how to tactfully dig deeper to emotionally motivate them to ensure their success.
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    Thursday, June 6, 2013

    Thursday, May 23, 2013

    Three Ways To Bring The Spice Of Opinion Into Your Next Presentation

    By Peter Watts, Writer, Coach & Trainer, The Presenters' Blog 
    Every time you make a presentation, you commit a blatant act of opinion, and that's good. That's exactly as it should be. Opinion makes challenging. Opinion makes distinctive. Opinion makes memorable.
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    Three Ways To Bring The Spice Of Opinion Into Your Next Presentation

    Dianne Bevelander: Mentoring takes time but it is rewarding! Find mentors who believe in you, and believe in the people you are mentoring!

    Posted by in Faculty Corner, Staff Interviews
    Dear WE readers,
    Whenever I discuss the topic of gender in my classes I am confronted by a number of people who believe that issues of gender-based access and opportunity are subjects of the past. While the assumption may seem a reasonable one at first glance, the sad reality is that gender discrimination in the workplace remains a relevant and pressing issue.  This becomes apparent to executives and students as soon as I start probing with questions like: How many women managers or executives have you reported to? How often have you had classes or attended workshops where the keynote speakers were women? How many women faculty have taught you?  How many business cases have you analysed that had women as principle protagonists? Questions such as these invariably change the dialogue from a discussion of the validity of the debate to a discussion around the challenges and the need to redress the inequality as a matter of some urgency.
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    Wednesday, May 15, 2013

    How To Be A Networking Jedi At Events

    In todays job market it is a must for you to stamp your uniqueness on your skill set, especially at events. Over the course of the next few minutes we are going to explore deeper as to the how and why behind strategic networking at events.
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    Monday, May 13, 2013

    Letter Count / Character Count

    This is a great tool. How many times did you rewrite a profile because the site didn't accept your text saying it has too many characters? And - they won't tell you how many characters you are over ....

    Letter Count / Character Count

    Sunday, May 12, 2013

    All You Can Eat Leads: 10 Ways to Generate More Leads for Less

    by Jason Leister
    Wanna have a successful and profitable business? Then you need leads… and lots of them.
    Nothing happens without a lead. No sales, no revenue, no profit, no nothin’.
    Below are 10 ways to generate MORE leads without spending a bundle.
    But before we get to the list, there are a couple of lead generation ground rules you should be clear about. Without understanding these, you can end up wasting a lot of time and money.
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    Saturday, May 11, 2013

    Act Like a Leader Before You Are One - Harvard Business Review


    If you want to become a leader, don't wait for the fancy title or the corner office. You can begin to act, think, and communicate like a leader long before that promotion. Even if you're still several levels down and someone...

    Pearl Arredondo: 8 talks to spark success

    Pearl Arredondo: 8 talks to spark success Pearl Arredondo worked her way up from humble East L.A. beginnings, and as a high school teacher she now inspires other kids to do the same. Here are the talks that she thinks capture that spirit of drive and determination.

    Friday, May 10, 2013

    The 10 Commandments of Twitter

    Written by - 33 Comments

    How to Write a Simple Business Plan

    • By The MOO Crew
    • May 09 2013
    Simple is always best. So with this in mind, here’s our guide to writing a business plan that won’t make potential investors want to tear their hair out in confusion.
    Even if you don’t need investment, it’s often a good idea to write a business plan to ensure you stay on the right track. When you’re faced with a hundred (or more!) decisions to make and paths to choose, and you find that you can’t actually remember what your aims actually are, a business plan should help to reel you back in.
    If you need funding, potential investors will want to know what they’re giving their money to, and if it’s likely to be a lost cause. A business plan is your chance to prove that your idea is worthy of their time… and of their money.
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    Four Core Marketing Strategies

    Four Core Marketing Strategies: 1) Be first 2) Be better 3) Be different 4) Be resonant. Most people never really work on number 3 and never even consider number 4. Being resonant means that your vibe, aesthetic, style and way of carrying yourself instantly appeals to your people. They instantly 'get it' and recognize you as one of them. They resonate with your point of view, your larger purpose and your message.

    How design thinking transformed Airbnb from a failing startup to a billion dollar business

    In 2009, Airbnb was close to going bust. Like so many startups, they had launched but barely anyone noticed. The company’s revenue was flatlined at $200 per week. Split between three young founders living in San Francisco, this meant near indefinite losses on zero growth. As everyone knows, venture investors look for companies that show hockey stick graphs, and according to co-founder Joe Gebbia, his company had a horizontal drumstick graph. The team was forced to max out their credit cards.

    Wednesday, May 8, 2013

    Donations needed to help fire victims

    I am asking for your help in a special time of need. InnVision Shelter Network recently experienced a devastating fire at one of our family shelters, displacing 50 homeless women and children. Thankfully none of the residents or staff were hurt, but over 50% of the facility suffered significant damage. We are asking for your financial support to help the fire victims and aid in our recovery.

    Monday, May 6, 2013

    Hi, If you continue what you do, you usually get more of what you have. If you do it faster and harder, you get more of the same, maybe sooner and more stressfully. When you want different results, you need to change what you do. When you want similar results in a changed situation, you need to change what you do. I know you know this. Where would it be useful to remind yourself? What are you working towards that is more likely to happen if you change what you do?
    Pam Fox Rollin

    Why You Need A Niche

    A short video from marketingforhippies.com where we look at why trying to reach 'everyone' is fruitless and why it's important to have specific niches you can work on.

    Sunday, May 5, 2013

    NICHE (playlist)

    It's one thing to know the qualities of a good niche in abstract terms. It's a whole other thing to identify what it is for 'you'. Here's some questions you can ask yourself to support your process around choosing one or more target markets.

    Friday, May 3, 2013

    Daniel Goleman: The Leader's Brain with Dr. Daniel Siegel

    A short video where he explains how using different aspects of the brain correlates to successful leader skills.

    Wednesday, May 1, 2013

    This is a helpful article when you are using QuickBooks:

    5 Apps That Make QuickBooks Better



    My native country, a beautiful place to visit - and this site has a lot of information about almost every aspect of it - Germany.


    Wednesday, April 24, 2013

    Powers of Ten™ (1977)

    "This principle can also be applied in the struggle to decide what to do about your career. If you are considering looking for a new job, or redesigning a role you already have, then think about stepping back or diving in. Step back and think about how you want your job to fit into your life as a whole. Look for the interrelationships that may reduce conflict or increase purpose. Similarly, dive into the experiences you have had at work and seek out the places where you have experienced ‘flow, that amazing sense of engagement and achievement that many people find to be one of the most rewarding aspects of work. Imagine how a newly designed role might result in more of those moments. Apply the Powers of Ten to your own life." Tim Brown, CEO at IDEO