Kurwig Consulting

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Pleasant Hill, California, United States

I believe having all your papers filed, your books up-to-date and your office efficiently organized is the essential basis for your long-term success.
It creates valuable time and space for you to focus on your business.
Let me help you with that.
I work with local business, sustainable business, social, life-affirming and otherwise conscious entrepreneurs who struggle with their administration and bookkeeping.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Are You a Thought Leader?

by Laura Garnett
Silhouette head - Strategy
Ask.com says that a thought leader is an individual or firm that is recognized as an authority in a specialized field and whose expertise is sought and often rewarded. In a world where information is often it’s own currency, thought leaders are seen as a resource because in order to earn that status, they have made a career of focusing on their primary expertise. Being a thought leader has cachet and, according to Malcolm Gladwell, if you spend 10,000 hours focused on one thing, then you’ll end up being an expert at it.
Being a thought leader also takes focus, and in today’s world, that is often a challenge. Business owners are looking for the next big thing, rather than owning their one thing. However, when you do, you have the potential to lead and help shift the thinking of others. Many of us would strive for this, but, how do you know if you are actually leading others in the way they think and behave?
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Secrets of a Second-Career Intern

by Cary Barbor, Sep. 3

When I left my last magazine job in 2008, it seemed there were exactly zero print publications left worthy to work for. I had devoted 20 years of my career to the magazine industry, but it was no secret that the field was going down the tubes.
Also, If had to edit one more piece on why blueberries are a superfood, there was a good chance I would slide under the desk into a fetal position and never come out. I was burned out and my well of work ideas had run bone dry.
So when a friend told me about the jumpstart she got from her career coach, I went to see him. One of the first exercises he gave me was simply to muse about my job:
Turn off the censor in my head, and make a list of the places I would love to work.
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Working with Ambiguity at Work



Leading during uncertain business conditions” and “tolerating ambiguity” are explicitly-sought skills in Silicon Valley position descriptions.
These competencies are crucial to navigate frequent, sometimes surprising restructurings and layoffs.
In contrast, employees outside the U.S. enjoy greater job certainty and worker protection in some countries, as outlined in Ruhr-Universität Bochum researcher Rolf Wank’s survey of typical German employment relationships .
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Both creative artists and business leaders recognize the crucial importance of working with and through ambiguous conditions to produce breakthrough solutions.
°         What approaches help you tolerate ambiguity?
°         How can ambiguity tolerance be increased?

#MenWhoGetIt Spotlight: Jayakanthan M

by Catalyst
September 23, 2013 — Welcome to the first in our series of “Men Who Get It” profiles, designed to showcase male executives and experts who act as Catalysts for change by advancing women in the workplace. This week, the spotlight is on Jayakanthan M, Head of Talent & Development and Diversity & Inclusion, Global Operations Centers, Thomson Reuters. Jay is an India-based expert on inclusive leadership.
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