Kurwig Consulting

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Pleasant Hill, California, United States

I believe having all your papers filed, your books up-to-date and your office efficiently organized is the essential basis for your long-term success.
It creates valuable time and space for you to focus on your business.
Let me help you with that.
I work with local business, sustainable business, social, life-affirming and otherwise conscious entrepreneurs who struggle with their administration and bookkeeping.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Elements to support your Prosperity

This is a great newsletter of a professional and successful Feng Shui consultant. Sign up to receive updates and valuable information for your life and business.
Marina Lighthouse and Feng Shui Shopper presents
Monthly Treasures
June 2013
Feng Shui Newsletter
“And we all shine on, like the moon, and the stars and the sun.” ~ John Lennon
Fire element spreads enthusiasm
"Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth." ~ Buddha
With the sun high in the sky filling our world with radiant energy, the Fire element is increasing. In the Five Element Theory, the Fire element is seen to bring us excitement, inspiration and enthusiasm. Without it we can feel unmotivated or disengaged. Our world becomes too predictable and everything feels dull and perhaps even lifeless. Fires blazing power helps us to gather our energy so that we can accomplish tasks and get through difficult situations without feeling intimidated or hesitant. We need to reignite our passion for life to keep on progressing forward.

Evoke Feelings of Passion
"The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled." ~Plutarch
If you've been feeling uninspired, it may be time to liven yourself up by adding more of the fire element to your environment.  Use the color red or the color red’s spectrum of hues. You can also display artworks that evoke feelings of passion. Fire’s elemental shape is the triangle, so triangular objects work well.*
6.13.13_fire bowl and plant.jpg
 The Joy of Life
“O! For a muse of fire, that would ascend the brightest heaven of invention.” ~ William Shakespeare
When your daily activities become tedious and are weighing you down and smothering your creativity, activate your Feng Shui by using the Fire Element. Implementing the aforementioned adjustments with proper intention can quell those discouraging feelings and help you bring back the joy and enthusiasm of life.
 Ignite Your Purpose
"Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face." ~ Victor Hugo
Allow the darkness to give way to light let it ignite your purpose. At times when you are feeling pushed down or left out in the dark, cultivate a new fresh feeling of gusto by increasing fire in your environment. This will bring back your inner sparkle. 

5 Transitions Great Leaders Make That Average Leaders Don't

The secret to leadership is there aren’t any real secrets. The best leaders have simply gone to school on improving their tradecraft. While the capabilities possessed by the best leaders might seem otherworldly to many, they are merely the outcome of hard work, experience, perspective, and yes, a bit of luck. The best leaders have just learned to make certain transitions that less effective leaders curiously remain blind to.
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6 Ways to Market Your Practice Online

A nice short article with a helpful list of tools.

June 7th 2013 by Shayna Chapman

Marketing has surely changed over the last 10 years! Print advertising is not as effective as it used to be and customers are trading in their newspapers for the Internet. Are you making the transition with them? Consider these 6 ways to market your practice online:

1. Website – By now, this is a standard marketing tool and form of communication. If your practice does not have a website, you are behind the curveball. A website immediately shows potential and tells current customers who you are and what you do. After you set up the website, the key is getting these potential customers to find you. Search engine optimization (SEO) services can help. By providing key words in your website, you can help ensure that you will be on the first page, rather than the last page, of search engine result.

2. Social Media – What began as a way to talk with your friends is now a key way for marketing to complete strangers. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram are all social media sites that allow your practice to put information online, for both people you know and people you don’t know. What’s important to note with social media is that each one of these sites are different and each one attracts a different type of user. Know your audience for each, and then post based on that information.

3. Blogging – Perhaps you have a lot to say about a topic that can help other people. By blogging, a potential customer can get some insight into how you think about a topic. After a while, you may be seen as an expert and garner real attention for yourself. Some worry about oversharing knowledge with people who are not your customers. While this is certainly a way to showcase your knowledge, the key lies  in the way you apply the knowledge and make the customer feel about the experience.

4. YouTube Videos – So, a video about accounting may not win your practice an Oscar for Best Film, but there are a lot of individuals that search YouTube for the most simple ideas – form how to turn on their weed eater to understanding financial ratios. Don’t underestimate the gratefulness others will have for what you consider even the simplest thing to understand. Post enough how-to videos and you will become an expert that people will call on.

5. Guest Articles  - Many companies and online newsletters are looking for people to share their knowledge. By including a short, biographical paragraph in the article, you give customers a way to contact you for more information and a possible relationship.

6. Software Websites – Users – namely, prospects – often go to the software company’s website for help and more information on how to operate their software. After a while, though, they may need to develop a relationship with an individual they feel they can count on to call for help more regularly. Many software companies will post a page on their website, showing the location of a practice that can further help these users. The page will include your location and contact information, so that the user can check for practices in their geographical location and then contact them.
All of these are ways to market online. What they have in common, though, is that they all generally circle back to the very first one – your website. That’s your space that is dedicated 100% to telling people about the strengths of your practice. After you have that piece, then use the other five ways to show people your expertise in certain areas, and refer them back to your website for even more information.

    Saturday, June 15, 2013

    Tuesday, June 11, 2013

    How To Put Your S.M.A.R.T. Goals On Overdrive

    By on in Client Motivation, Client Retention, Fitness Sales, Gym Personal Training Sales
    S.M.A.R.T. Goals Refresher
    S.M.A.R.T. Goals are great for getting started, however most lack the emotional components to ensure their completion.  Today we want to equip you with the skills necessary to help your clients not only achieve their goals, but also how to tactfully dig deeper to emotionally motivate them to ensure their success.
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    Thursday, June 6, 2013